This Too Shall Pass

3 Helpful Tips to Combat Accidental Overindulgence of Cannabis

We’ve all been there, maybe you tried a new strain that was more potent than you thought, ate that special brownie given to you by a friend, enjoyed a pre roll that you didn't know had lots of keif in it, the list goes on. In the event of overindulgence that has you feeling not so groovy, here are some helpful, tried and true tips to help get you to the other side.

Here a few things you can do mentally to help you through:

1. Get your mind right 

First and foremost, stay calm. This will pass. It might take a little while, but you will come down. Take some deep breaths, this exercise can also be used to help you through a panic attack, cannabis related or not. Breathe in slowly through your nostrils for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, slowly exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. I learned this exercise while in a yoga class. If you can't focus on the 4, 7, 8 sequence, just breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose, and out through your mouth. It's helpful for a variety of reasons. It makes you focus on something other than being uncomfortably high, helps keep your heart rate down, and also gets your oxygen levels up.

Take some CBD if you have it on hand. CBD is another cannabinoid derived from hemp plants that has been shown to counteract the effects of THC. Ask your local dispensary about CBD products they have available.

Try to focus on something else other than the high. Try watching a favorite film or television program, do some mindful coloring, organize your bookshelf or record collection, read a book if you're able to focus on it, or try a puzzle or word search.

2. Get your gut right

Eat some nutritious food if you are able. Try some nuts, dried fruit or something with some protein, like cheese, meat or fish. Pine nuts specifically have a compound in them called pinene, which has been shown to have calming and clarifying effects, however you’ll want to avoid this method if you have a tree nut allergy. If you aren't feeling hungry, you can eat foods rich in carbohydrates which will make you feel fuller without having to eat very much. Eating something will help you metabolize cannabis faster. This practice is especially helpful when combatting overindulgence from edibles.

Drink plenty of water. This gives you a task to focus on, as well as combatting a common side effect of cannabis use, the classic “cotton mouth”. Squeezing some lemon juice into your glass is not only a refreshing addition to plain water, but lemons contain a compound called Limonene, which similar to the pinene found in pine nuts, has been shown to have calming and clarifying effects. The highest concentration of limonene is found in the peel of the lemon, so feel free to zest the lemon into your water as well as adding the juice. Not a fan or pine nuts or lemons? No problem, just drink plenty of plain water! It's good for you on so many levels.

3. Get your body right

If you’re able, take a walk, whether it’s a 10 minute walk around the neighborhood or an hour long walk through the trails behind your home, fresh air will help bring you a feeling of calm and clarity.

Do some light exercise, like yoga, sit ups, push ups or squats. These are low impact activities that give you something to focus on, are beneficial to your general health and improve circulation. 

Take a shower or bath. This also will help get your blood moving and helps you to relax.

At the end of the day, if you’ve had more than you meant to, or were aware of, just try to enjoy it. It will pass eventually, and these tips can help it pass faster, or at least get you to a place that you feel more comfortable with the effects. If one of these methods does not work for you, don't fret, try something else, but most importantly, remain calm and know that you will be OK sooner than you think!

I always tell patients, low and slow is the way to go. You can always put more in, but you can’t take it out. Everyone’s reaction and tolerance to cannabis is different and it's important to know your limits by experimenting with dosing and quantities to ingest so you can get the most beneficial and pleasurable experience from this magical plant.

Julia Muzyka